Saturday, July 2, 2011


A. What is installation art?
Installation art is work in which depends on site in which it is created, making another world almost. It could be a room, or items placed on a wall, music playing at a certain location, or a video slideshow.

B. What materials are used in installation art?
Any materials can be used for installation art. Anything that will create the work, it could be paint, photos, lights, mirrors, objects, absolutely anything.

C. Why make installation art?
Installation art is made to engage the viewer into the world that the artist has created and give the viewer an experience.

D. Which installation artist did i find most interesting?
My favorite work was Fireflies on the Water. This work is breathetaking, and it actually looks like you are on the water watching the fireflies. The fact that the artist could create this kind of "world" is amazing.

Step 4.
A. From the materials reviewed, is there an inspiration piece that i feel a connection with?
The Fireflies on the Water is the piece that i most felt a connection with mostly because i love the outdoors and nature. When i go camping, something we always do is watch the fireflies at night, and when its pitch black in the woods, you are humbled by the lights from the fireflies.

B. What theme do i want to explore in my installation?
I am going to do a "Self Theme"

C. What materials will i use?
I plan to use a lot of material things that i feel cover up who i really am when i am out or with friends. Almost like society today makes us into something were not with all the makeup, jewelry, clothing, designer items etc.

D. Where will this installtion be located and why?
My installation will be located at my house. This is because this is the one place where i know i am always comfortable, and I am the real me without all the added materialistic items. As if all those things "fall off" once i walk through the door.

Step 7.
4. Describe you installation.
The significance of me doing my installation at home, as i stated earlier its as if all those material items dont matter anymore, they sort of fall off and fade away. Therefore i chose to place my items right at my front door, to represent that these are not the things that make me who i am.

5. I specifically chose very basic black and white items, because i feel as though such material items make you sort of blend in with everyone else. Everyone looks the same, leaving few people that are different. I used the light from the outside to make this a little darker, i wanted to leave the impression of leaving these items behind.

6. My thought behind this, are that i feel that the media really portrays a negative image for woman. We are suppose to be skinny, and where all the clothing thats in stlye, we have disigner items, and makeup, shoes, all these things just to make us feel like we look pretty. I feel that the inner beauty and confident self-steem has been somewhat lost to many young girls, and they are competing with the images they seen on television and in magazines.

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